Tag Archives: Innovation

The Hundred Thousand Dollar Improv Game

420293_953237437384_864003053_nOver the years, we’ve had many of our High School League team, or Minor League team as we called it, use their experiences, or skills as inspiration for their college admission essay.  One student wrote a poem, one create an entire song of which I still proudly own a copy and play from time to time.

The students that have shared their story with me, also shared that they received admission to the college of their choice. One student’s story stands out among many.  Perhaps it’s because he was the first to share his story, or perhaps it’s because of his mom!

Some years ago, one of our original High School League members was inspired to use one of his experiences at ComedySportz in his college acceptance essay. He received a full scholarship to Duke University. Now, I am assure that Keven “Super Genius” Fogg would have received a scholarship with our without his ComedySportz experience, however, his mom firmly believes that it was ComedySportz, and specifically one particular game, that urged a closer look at his application.
While cleaning out files I found Kevin’s essay, and my heart was filled with those warm fuzzy feelings of gratitude and appreciation. Grateful to have had this amazing student, and appreciative of the lessons he has taught me.  Allow me to share the first paragraph.

“A heavy base rhythm thumped away in the background and a bright light shone on the stage. I nervously watched my fallen comrade descend to her seat. An audience member bellowed out the name “Skip.” My mind started racing, how many words could I rhyme with Skip? Sip, trip, flip. How many of these words would my opponent use? Lip, rip, hip. We were on the stage at a professional improv show. I and my fellow performers were playing the game “Da-do-run-run,” based on the old fifties song. The objective is to continue the song through as many rhymes as possible, the player who cannot come up with a thyme is out. We were down to the last round, and the outcome of the match depended on who won that game. All the pressure was on me. Zip, tip, clip. My opponent fires a skillful line, employing the word “quip”. I quipped back just as easily. “The isle of Ceylon used to be called Serendip!” And with that, I won the game.

Kevin is now a Faculty of History, at University of Oxford. As of Friday he received confirmation that he will be teaching at Oxford for the next four years! Congratulations Super Genius! We always believed in you, we love you, and we know you’re doing great things.

I suspect you are an amazing teach, as I know that you have taught me many, many lessons oh wise one!

Simple Answers to Why

I simply love improvisation. That’s really all there is too it. It’s not something that’s made me rich. Actually, one might even say it’s my pennants, but non the less, I love it.  I say this because this is an art form, and this pull in our guts to continue doing improvisation no matter what, pays like…well, an art form. Not many people are making a living at this art form, sure we make something, and some do make a living, but most of us also have another job.

Why then, why do we love it? There are so many reasons, and these are mine.

I love the joy it gives others.

I love that we support each other no matter what.

I love that you never know what will happen, but when you commit to the connection of each other – magic happens. You can’t explain it, it just happens.

I love watching people gain confidence through class work.

I love watching little children realize they can make people laugh. Watching them finally realize and “get it” is an amazing moment of joy. You can see it in their face, and it just about makes me cry with joy.

I love watching teams learn how to connect.

I love setting up players/performers to excel, making my partners look good. That’s our goal; to make your partner look good.

I love observing someone communicate in gibberish, (a made up language) and know exactly what they are saying.

I love the silly, impish teasing that happens between the players during the games.

I love interacting with the audience.

I love the science of comedy. For example, we can’t explain it, but when we say something once in a scene that gets a laugh that’s good, if we repeat it, it’s a little funnier, three times the audience goes wild, and four times  it is almost always, no long funny. This is the golden rule of 3.

I love how players can leverage a scene to get a larger response from the crowd.

I love the many, many, many people I’ve meet in ComedySportz international that all have that “I’ve got your back” attitude!

I love our Loyal Fanz!

I love “Yes And“. The improvisers philosophy for play and life.

In this little video piece you can see the joy in our eyes as we play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykr_29BO2q8

So, what are your reasons? Why do you love improvisation?



It is not always easy to teach improv! Especially when the students want to act out, not follow along, not focus with the class, or worse yet, when they pull focus from the class!

A few years ago, I had the great fortune to be teaching at Fork Union Military Academy. As you might suspect, it is an all boys high school, and it is located in VA. I had never been in the situation to teach such a school. After the first lesson, I explained to the boys that we work together, and never but never throw team members under the bus! By this I mean, we don’t insult, chide, or mock fellow students. In improv, it is going to be necessary to be or act silly, and that tends to make people feel vulnerable. Thus it is not a time to laugh at a person, but to laugh with and show support. Sure, that’s a tough concept to grasp, but generally speaking, most do.

Remember, this is an all boys boarding school. Their entire mindset is one of survival, to fit in and act cool. To insult, chide, and mock is everyday behavior for boys, which can be true for many men in an all male setting. This is not something I can say I understand, well, being a girl and all.

Non the less, it was part of the lesson to teach teamwork and respect for others. The end result on that first day was frustration. As I drove the long 60 minutes home, there was plenty of time to reflect and plan for the following weeks lesson. Nothing like a good car ride to clear the mind, and by the time I pulled into the drive way I had an answer.

The following week I started the class and explained that there would be no “throwing each other under the bus”! If this behavior occurred, the student doing the “throwing” would have to do 10 push ups. If it continued they would have to do 20 push ups! If it happened a third time it would be 30 push ups and “Mama” would sit on their back! In this case, I’m “Mama”! And if someone did do push ups and another student laughed at the person doing push ups they too did push ups!

That day only Malcome did push ups. He did a round of 10 push ups, and then around of 20. The second time he had to do push ups, Drake joined in saying “if he has to do them and we’re a team then I have to do them too”! Then Jake joined in, then Jonathan, soon all the boys in class did push ups with Malcome. I would have welled up with tears right then and there to see such team spirit, save for the fact that it was a boys school after all.

It never got to the point of “Mama” sitting on anyone’s back thankfully. The idea was scarier then the presumed pleasure derived from insulting or mocking a peer. They got the message, and taught me an unexpected lesson of team unity as well.

She Failed Big and Won Bigger

We attend Unity church, and are involved with the Family Youth Ministry programs at the church, specifically the Youth Of Unity, or Y.O.U. programs. The Y.O.U is the teenager program that teaches the principles of Unity, the lessons of the golden rule, leadership, teamwork, and spirit.

The program includes four weekend retreats throughout the year  including the East Coast Region. These programs usually have as many as 100 in attendance. Twice a year the programs are held at the YMCA camp Tockwock in Maryland.

Each program is full of inspiration as we all sing together, cheer together, enjoy entertainment provided by the Y.O.U teens, and listen to truth talks. The truth talks are among my favorite as these are well presented, heartfelt, talks Y.O.U. teens share with the entire group. Generally, I need tissues when listening to these inspirational message of the amazingly strong, courageous, encouraging teens; or should I say teachers.

This past March, at the Leaderhsip Conference Miss Kindra Rae Wyatt shared her story. I remembered meeting her at the previous Spring Y.O.U Rally. She was running for a leadership role as Communication Officer for the Regional Council aka “regi’s”. Those interested in running stand in front of the Y.O.U audience answer questions on leadership throughout the weekend on Unity principles, lessons of their life etc. Not knowing her prior to this event I remember thinking that Kindra was a shoe in for the position. However, she did not get the position, another young lady did. She too was exceptional, and after seeing her evolve in the position this year, she did an amazing job. Kindra accepted defeat with grace.

This past March, at the Unity Y.O.U Leadership Conference, Kindra shared her truth talk which was based on the experience of her loss the previous year. I was grabbing  tissues as she taught us all the valuable lessons of failure and the benefits found as a result.

Here is Kindra.

Failing into Life

How To Fail With Elegance

Here is Kindra’s truth talk essay.

I’ve been involved with Y.O.U. long before I knew what it really was. My older sister, Rose, was a regi, so growing up with concepts like ‘heart talks’, ‘joysongs’, and ‘rally’ were commonplace. Though I’m sure I imposed it upon myself, I felt this absolute sense of need to live up to her, to be as important to my community as she had been in her time. 8 years of age difference is a lot to live up to though and finally, as I went through my time with Unity and eventually, Y.O.U. , I felt like I was just crafting my experiences to become regi. I had purposefully taken on leadership roles in my home church as chapter president, led family groups at rally and had even begun a formal 4-year leadership certification at my college.

This goal was shattered during Spring Rally of last year when I ran for regi. And lost. I hate to admit that I don’t feel like I handled it gracefully. I hate to say that it hurted. A lot. Not only did I feel like I had failed, I also felt like others had expected me to fail. Try as I may to put the positive Unity spin on things, underneath everything it still felt like a personality contest to me and my loss felt like a mark that said “you’re just not good enough”.

How could I get over that? How could I get over the people who I thought loved me most, seemingly rejecting me? However, what surprised me as I finished out the rally weekend and went home was not the pain that I had felt immediately following the results or a pervading sense of rejection. What blossomed out of this experience was a new sense of purpose. Finally, I was forced to look at how I see myself, rather than how others saw me – I had to live from the inside out.

As I was writing this, I started looking at 2 repercussions – 1) I looked at how much I learned “training” for regi – the lessons in leadership that I gained have proved to be absolutely invaluable in my life and in my college career. 2) What if I had become regi? How would that have shaped this year for me? The week of fall rally, probably one the most stressful for any new regi, happened to be my week of midterms. I was stressed as is and probably wouldn’t have been able to put in the effort necessary to do justice to that Rally. Moreover, I certainly wouldn’t have had the time to write the 3 essays for a $10,000 scholarship that was due that weekend. I am pleased to say now that I was the recipient of said scholarship, an honor that has transformed everything. “Losing” at becoming regi may have been the tipping point that my life – with the scholarship that I received, I’ll be studying abroad in Bangalore, India for all of next year. Whether or not I had recognized it at the time, NOT becoming regi was probably the most powerful experiences of my life.

I believe now, fully and without question. Maybe not in God – I’m not sure I’ll ever believe in a mighty figure or even in the idea of a higher power. But maybe I believe in energy now – I believe in life plans, in future endeavors, in the self-realization that comes from learning and growing and failing and succeeding. I trust myself and from there, from the inside, that trust can only spread outward, giving myself more fully to those I love and even those that I don’t. This is my truth, my rock, my core, my belief, my mantra, my THANK YOU to Y.O.U. – for changing my life and for teaching me to live from the inside out.

Thank you Miss Kindra for the fabulous lesson. This student is listening and learning. Yes And!

Yes And…Mama Mia!

"Yes And"...Mama Mia

Two Men and a Lady...A Funny Lady!

I’ll never forget the day our friend called us when he was visiting NYC and asked us if we wouldn’t mind being good friends, and breaking into his house… See his son, Zak, a jr. in college, majoring in musical theatre, was about to kick off his first true professional gig. He was going to be singing with the Broadway Boys on the Rosie O’Donnall cruise ship. This was huge; the Broadway Boys are comprised of top leading men that star in Broadway productions, not to mention that Rosie is a huge supporter of Broadway. Who knew what endless possibilities lie on that trip.

In all Zak’s excitement, he forgot his passport.

“Could you break into our house, and get Zak’s passport and hire a currier service to get it to NYC by morning.”

“Yes And” was the response.

My husband, or as I call him “The Dish” and I had friends visiting from out of state and we were about to start cooking a nice dinner, but that could wait. While “The Dish” went to burgle our friends, I lined up a currier service. The first quote was more than willing to make the six hour drive for the low, low price of $800.00. I know right. I was thinking about changing professions right then and there.

I called another service and this price was half, that was providing everything went with out a hitch. Then they promised to pick up the package in two hours. Problem solved! We cooked dinner and waited, and waited. No service.

We called. They explained that there was a “hitch” that occured. Oh they could still get the package to NYC, but it would get there by 5:00 pm, which was too late, as the ship would leave port at 4:00.

Our friends said, “well, you tried”.

Then we explained “Yes And”. They got excited, now it was a game. They wanted to help us solve the puzzle, to “move the scene” forward.

They thought of calling the performers at the ComedySportz Improv Theatre and offer the $400 if any of them can get the passport to NYC. They were just about to start the late show, so we had to catch them just before. We called them and explained the situation, and also explained to them “the solution is Yes And. Call me if you have any ideas.”

Two hours later I got a call from Thomas. “Boss, Boss, we have a plan. I’m going to drive the “package” to NYC. Yes and PJ volunteered to be my wing man so I don’t fall asleep. Yes And, you know my car use to belong to Fred Flinstone and is old as Bedrock itself, so I don’t think it’ll make the trip, so Jenni is letting us use her new car. I’ll be over shortly to pick up the package.”

Thomas and PJ drove all night. Then at about 9:30 I got a call. Boss, Boss the package has been delivered, I repeat the package has been delivered, the fox is in the henhouse, the eagle has landed, Elvis has entered the building.

Because of “Yes And” Zak made the deadline and was on that cruise ship. “Yes And” he got to sing with the Broadway Boys. “Yes And” they got to sing with the original Mimi from the musical Rent. “Yes And” during that song a photographer took a picture. “Yes And” that picture landed in the New York Times. “Yes And”, on that cruise ship he made many connetions that are helping with his career. “Yes And” Zak has since graduated and is living and working in NYC.

Zak is extremely talented and it’s easy to know that with all his hard work and dedication of course he’s going to achieve his dreams. We’re glad we were able to assist with this one. We all felt joined together to create this wonderful team for that one moment in time. And to update this story further and if you wanted to know…”Yes And”…Zak will be playing on Broadway in Mama Mia!!!

Congratulations to you Zak! We are so happy and proud of you!

The Kids Speech

Improv Classes Designed For Young People Who Stutter

Maryann Kaminsky of In Plain English, and Christine Walters of Lessons Of Laughter and ComedySportz, are teaming up to provide a series of improv programs to help students with speaking disorders increase confidence and learn theatre tips and techniques to aide in speaking with ease.

Maryann is a speech therapist, and president of In Plain English LLC. She teaches clear, confident communication skills. Christine is an improviser, director, and founder of ComedySportz Improv Theatre of Richmond and president of Lessons Of Laughter. Over the past 18 years of improv, Christine teaches acceptance, commitment, teamwork, trust, and how to fail, and fail big.

Both women worked with students at Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School in Richmond, Virginia during the 2010 – 2011 school year. A student of Maryann’s demonstrated dramatic  improvement in her speech in the early spring of 2011. When asked what was different, she replied; “I have confidence”. When asked what made the difference she stated;  in my improv class here at school my teacher expects me to do what everyone else is doing”.

After connecting with Christine and realizing how complimentary the goals of their individual programs were,  they decided to create programs, weaving both speech therapy and improv techniques together for people who stutter. This Fall three “LOL In Plain English” programs will be launched. Each class will offer 6 weeks of improv training and will conclude with a performance by the students for their family and friends.

Classes will be held at the new ComedySportz Improv Theatre 8906 West Broad Street, Richmond VA, 23294. Each class is two hours. There will be three programs offered; for Elementary, Middle and High School age students. A program for adults is in the planning stages. Please contact us for more information.

Dates of Programs:

Elementary Program: grades 2 – 5 October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, and 8
Middle School Program: grades 6 – 8 October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, and 9
High School Program: grades 9 – 12 October 6, 12, 19, 27, November 3, and 17

Program cost: $250.00

Classes are limited to 12 students per session. Scholarships are available for each program series. To register for the program contact maryannkaminsky@mac.com or call 804-539-8843.

To contact Christine, that would be me, with any questions about this program please call 804.833.2067.

I’ve Got Your Back

“I’ve Got Your Back!” These are the words we say pre show at ComedySportz just before we’re introduced. We high five each other, and pat each other on the back and say “I’ve Got Your Back”. And we do!

Many people think that improvisation is about being funny, and that only really funny people can perform improv. Well, personally, I think everybody is an improviser, and with time and practice we get better every day, month and year.

Being funny happens. It just happens. We have all been funny at one time or another. Improvisation is feeling safe and comfortable. Trusting the other people with you in the scene, and knowing that they will support your ideas, efforts, and performance. Once you know you can trust the other members of your team, you can commit to performing. Once you commit to performing and just start playing together a funny thing happens, and then comes the laughter.

One student, always thought he was funny and he knew how to perform improv. He always forced the funny, and tried to be funny, which resulted in not being funny at all. He was more interested in him and his performance. Of course this frustrated the other students in the class. Then, during their gradation performance something happened. He started to focus on his team mates and make them shine. He had their backs! He supported his team and a funny  happened almost as a mistake. He hadn’t expected the scene to unfold as it did, but you could see he was just going with the moment and performing with his team. In doing so, the audience laughed and laughed hard. You could see the transformation on his face as he realized, in that moment, how making your partner look good made him look good.

When the show was over, the group bonded and hugged each other as they laughed and learned an important lesson. The lesson of “I’ve Got Your Back”.

John Adams

I know it’s crazy, but since I was a little girl my favorite musical was 1776. This is a musical based on our founding fathers, which sounds like it should be a comedy. In 1977 my brother, an avid musical lover,  had the record, yes record, and he would play it all the time. When he wasn’t around I would sneak into his room and borrow the record. Which usually got me into a good amount of trouble.

I loved singing those songs. My favorite character is the portrayal of John Adams.  At one point in a heated debate over Thomas Jefferson’s point of view on slavery, the Southern delegates walks out of congress. Those for independence feel an overwhelming sense of defeat as the final vote to sign the Declaration of Independence is the next day. After a brief time out, Adams composes himself, devises a plan of action to win back the South, and is moved to sing “Is Anybody There”. This song was song with such passion and strength, and the lyrics were all about commitment. At the time, I just liked the excitement and energy of the song. It wasn’t until much later that I understood the value of the lyrics.

Is anybody there?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody see what I see?

They want to me to quit; they say
John, give up the fight
Still to England I say
Good night, forever, good night!
For I have crossed the Rubicon
Let the bridge be burned behind me
Come what may, come what may


The croakers all say we’ll rue the day
There’ll be hell to pay in fiery purgatory
Through all the gloom, through all the gloom
I see the rays of ravishing light and glory!

Is anybody there? Does anybody care?
Does anybody see what I see?

I see fireworks! I see the pagaent and
Pomp and parade
I hear the bells ringing out
I hear the cannons roar
I see Americans – all Americans
Free forever more

How quiet, how quiet the chamber is
How silent, how silent the chamber is

Is anybody there? Does anybody care?
Does anybody see what I see?

Ooof right. I mean, well, can’t you feel it? Ooof! Not only has this musical taught  a great deal about John Adams, our founding fathers, and the Declaration of Independence, it also teaches of Attitude, Commitment, Teamwork and Trust. And one interesting aside, this musical was based on the letters of John Adams, Abigail Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

I’m fairly certain, the songs, and lyrics were not sung by Mr. Adams, or that our founding fathers really sang any of these songs. I do believe that this song captures who Adams was, and his beliefs in commitment.

Happy Fourth of July to you all! Enjoy your holiday, the cooking out, the fireworks, the baseball games, the pool parties, and watching the movie musical of our founding fathers…1776!

Abundant Relationships

Living in Harmony with Yourself and Your Relationship
• Do you sometimes feel that your relationship is all work and no fun? • Do you feel stuck and long for a way to move forward as a couple? • Is the condition of your home a challenge in your relationship?
If you want to learn how to live, love and laugh in a richer life and a richer relationship with yourself and your life partner, register now!
In this seminar you will learn:
☀ to make more play through the stresses of your day, ☀ five steps to make your dreams a reality, and ☀ how to improve relationships by decluttering your home.

Christine Walters – inspirational comedian, professional speaker, and owner of Lessons of Laughter

Vickie Griffith – professional speaker, Certified Hypnotist, Master Energy Therapist, Licensed Science of Mind Minister and owner of BreakThrough

Debbie Bowie – feng shui practitioner, Certified Professional Organizer®, professional speaker and owner of Rock Scissors Paper Institute

Date: April 2, 2011 Time: 8:00a.m.toNoon Cost: $77, early bird special $47 until 3/21/11

To Register: Call Debbie Bowie at 804-730-4991 and provide credit card information or send a check to Rock Scissors Paper Institute, 7293 Jay Way, Mechanicsville,VA 23111.


CFA Fun for a Day

Recently, I had a chance to return to Center for the Arts as guest artist. The class I was teaching was a combination class of both the Musical Theatre and the Theatre class juniors. It seemed like a good day to sing and play. Continue reading